Richelle Winkler's Profile

- Member for:
3 years 7 months - Institution:
Michigan Technological University - Website:
Richelle Winkler is a sociologist and demographer who studies social transitions and sustainability issues through demographic and community engaged research methods. Dr. Winkler’s work focuses on community-based decision-making and the spatial, technical, and policy dimensions of energy transitions.
Richelle's research projects
Support scholarships for low-to-moderate income, first generation, and students of color to study sustainability in Costa Rica for five weeks while they earn 9 Michigan Tech credits that count towards their degree.
The Sustainable Demonstration House serves as a resource for students and the broader community to learn about, test, and experience energy efficient/low carbon/net zero waste living. Its about practicing sustainability in our daily lives and building community in the process.
The Alternative Energy Enterprise at Michigan Tech will retrofit an existing, older home into an energy efficient residence, incorporating renewable energy generation. The goal is to set up a Sustainable Demonstration House to serve as a resource for the broader community to learn about, test and experience energy efficient/low carbon living.
Projects that Richelle has supported
Ecotourism could be a tool to promote women’s empowerment. Especially with its attention to social justice, encouragement, promoting participation and empowerment of local people, including women. However, little attention is currently devoted to women’s participation in ecotourism. The purpose of this research is to understand the processes through which ecotourism empowers or disempowers women.
Support scholarships for low-to-moderate income, first generation, and students of color to study sustainability in Costa Rica for five weeks while they earn 9 Michigan Tech credits that count towards their degree.
The Houghton Energy Efficiency Team is gearing up for a huge home weatherization campaign to help low-income residents of Houghton County save energy and money. We have a large team of willing volunteers - now all we need is money for supplies to seal and insulate 150 homes, and your help will make this local project a success!
John Hammond Forest Wheeler was a student in the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science when he was tragically killed in a car accident on November 23, 2016. John was smart, hard-working and passionate about forestry and natural resources. This project will establish a fund in John's memory that will support outreach efforts to high school students about natural resource careers.